Cheap misogynistic exploitation and a disgusting attempt to slander American icon Marilyn Monroe

The film “Blonde” is so disgusting and disrespectful, talentless and vulgar, that, from my point of view, everyone who made it it is covered with dirt until the end of life, including film director, producer, lead actors.
The film is not based on facts, but on sheer lies, which have nothing to do with life of Marylin Monroe, JFK, Cass Chaplin or other real people depicted in the film. It is really sad, that someone can watch this trash and assume, that it is based on real events. No, it is not. It is just another attempt to spit on a grave of an actress. To destroy the truth and to create another reality, which must replace history. And future generations, especially those people, who are not well informed, will judge Marilyn after this trashy film.
Marilyn is still an icon 60 years since her death. People still love watching her films. Not only she is physically attractive but she also personifies vulnerability and sensuality all in one. Her songs were made into so many covers and yet no one can sing them as beautifully as she did. Her best films such as masterpiece “Some Like it Hot” still make people laugh as no other films can.
She was sexy but never vulgar. And film Blonde is a quintessence of vulgarity and bad taste, full of pornographic images and events which never happened.

No, there were no threesomes with Cass Chaplin and Marylin. There was no murder attempt by Marylin’s mother. In the beginning of the film, Marilyn’s mother, Gladys Baker, tells her daughter, that her father was a famous actor, and it is hinted, that Clark Gable was her father. Gladys is inaccurately portrayed as a lonely mad woman, while in real life she was married three times and had three children. Marilyn even continually kept contact with her sister Berniece.
Cass Chaplin did not write to Marylin letters pretending to be her father. Unlike in the film “Blonde”, he also died several years after Marilyn did.
And Marilyn knew who her real father was. Her father was RKO Studios employee Charles Gilford, she tried contacting him he refused connect with her. However, after many years have passed, he contacted her from a hospital bed, but Marilyn no longer had any interest in knowing him.
A scene where Marilyn performs oral sex on John Kennedy, while he is speaking on the phone is the most appalling. The film suggests that John Kennedy kidnapped Marylin who was under the influence of drugs. After oral sex with disinterested in her JFK, Marylin vomits. The scene is not only insult to MM but also to the former president of USA, one of the best and most admired presidents of all times, who should have been treated in a respectful way. John Kennedy was never a rapist and was probably one of the most charismatic men in politics. By the way neither the film director, nor the lead actors are Americans and with this film they prove that they have no respect towards American history.

Why to cast Ana de Armas, a Cuban actress with Cuban accent and Hispanic look to play a blue-eyed American icon with a Nordic look? Why make a President look like a rapist and spread vicious lies about him?
Director Andrew Dominik did not even attempt to hide his zero interest in Marylin personality nor her films. He said that before this project he did not watch her films and even called the film “Gentleman Prefer Blondes” a film about well-dressed whores. Using his own language, we can call the film “Blonde” a film about an undressed whore. Nothing more. A cheap Cuban whore from Havana Street who wants to earn more money by pretending to be the Blonde.
It ridicules and mocks the gentle movie star and tries to sling as much dirt as possible.
However it is probable that it is not just the bad taste of a film director obsessed with perversion, but maybe it is a task which he obediently fulfilled – to throw dirt at a leftist Monroe. ”She told us about her strong feelings for civil rights, for black equality, as well as her admiration for what was being done in China, her anger at red-baiting and McCarthyism and her hatred of (FBI director) J. Edgar Hoover”, wrote Frederick Vanderbilt Field, whom Marylin visited in Mexico few months before her death.

Against the sexist “dumb blond” image of Monroe created by the Hollywood machine and exploited again in “Blonde”, her real life reveals an intelligent and sensitive woman who read lots of serious books, and was involved in politics and social issues. Her house was wiretapped by FBI and CIA and she was surrounded by people spying on her, for example Eunice Murray, her housekeeper. None of these important facts are reflected in the film.
Monroe’s sympathy for anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggles still bother the dark forces which now have conquered all the world.
Perhaps this film is not just a fruit of sick imagination, but a well-planned commission — an act of character assassination and discreditation. This hackjob has several tasks — to destroy a pride of American cinema, to crush the bright image of John F. Kennedy and to make people forget real facts. It is easy to shit on an icon and slander someone who cannot defend themselves from the grave.
The film “Blonde” has horrendous dialogues, terrible acting, the cinematography is boring and often inept. Marilyn as portrayed by Armas, calls all husbands Daddy as if she has nothing else to say. A big part of the film depicts embryos shown on the screen speaking with the protagonist. Another disgusting moralistic scene is in the movie theatre where a foetus tells Marilyn “and for this you killed me?”. Is it anti-abortion propaganda or something else? Seems well-timed, as America attempts to take away the basic right to make an abortion. A scene where Marilyn attempts to escape from the abortion chair is completely ridiculous and unrealistic.

All acts of the Blonde are stupid and senseless. The film is very long and very depressive. Films where Marilyn played were full of humour, charisma, featured beautiful singing and dancing. None of that is reflected in the film.
And this piece of trash full of disgusting pornography was screened at Venice Film Festival and received a 14-minute ovation! What a joke. The festival which used to screen films of Bergman, Tarkovsky and Antonioni, screens a cheap sadistic porno, a spitting to the icon of cinematography.
Shame on you, selection committee and jury. Shame on Netflix. Shame on you, producer Brad Pitt. You have fallen really low.